About me

Hey there! My lifelong passions have always revolved around organization, optimization, and creativity. During my years of study, I was fortunate enough to stumble upon a career path that beautifully amalgamated these interests, leading me to become a Data Science Engineer.

Programming holds a special place in my heart, and I continuously strive to expand my skill set by learning new languages and techniques. I thoroughly enjoy the challenge of problem-solving and take great pleasure in presenting elegant and visually appealing solutions.

My academic journey has taken me from Italy to Sweden, an enriching experience that granted me the privilege of collaborating with Uppsala Hospital on a thesis project of notable significance. This was followed by a year-long tenure at a prominent consulting company in Italy, further refining my skill set before my transition to Switzerland.

In my present role, I’ve embarked on an exciting fusion of my expertise with another passion of mine: the intricate fields of medicine and biology. I’ve found my niche at the Computing and Research Support Division of the University of Lausanne, where I foster daily collaborations with esteemed researchers. My mission is to contribute to cutting-edge projects within the Faculty of Biology and Medicine (FBM), capitalizing on AI algorithms and techniques to decipher the complexities of biomedical images.

On a more personal note, I am always on the move. I have a deep love for sports, particularly when enjoyed outdoors with friends. Additionally, I find great fulfillment in participating in international volunteering experiences with children. However, I hesitate to label these experiences as traditional volunteering, as the children I work with transmit their kindness and indescribable energy to me, creating a mutual exchange.

In summary, this is me in a nutshell. Whether you require assistance in developing innovative tools, organizing your schedule with a touch of flair, going for a run by the lake, or even embarking on a trip to Brazil, please do not hesitate to reach out to me!